Thanks Dave. I saw the FAQ and that had the solution. Now I can set the IP
for Alert destination for object ...AlertDestinationIP

snmpset -v1 -c public OID a

Here type 'a' is of type IPaddress. once the agent will start to support
ipv6, I will try to set ipv6 and find if type  'a' supports that.

One other main thing is I have an agent where snmp is implemented. How do I
find how the MIB data are represented - table or file. where might the data
retrieving method be located - agent C file or where? How are the dynamic
values of my private mib variables retrieved when I use an snmpget from a

help!!! Thanks so much,

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Dave Shield <>wrote:

> 2009/8/19 Karthika Arunkumar <>:
> > How do I set an ipv6 through snmpset command.
> What is the exact MIB object that you are trying to set?
> > Does type 'a' support anyother type or only IPV4.
> No - 'a' is specifically for IPv4.
> More recent MIBs tend to use a (binary) string value
> to represent network addresses - typically using the
> Textual Convention  "InetAddress"
> See INET-ADDRESS-MIB for details.
> > Also setting ipv4 says a read-write variable is notwritable.
> > How shall I proceed.
> Please read the FAQ entry:
>    I cannot set any variables in the MIB.
> Dave
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