2009/8/28 Karthika Arunkumar <karthika.arunku...@gmail.com>:
> 1)snmpd.local.conf (I edited agentaddress udp:161   to
>    agentaddress udp:161,udp6:161 )

> 2) shell script which invokes my snmpd. I invoke it as snmpd
>     udp:161,udp6:161 instead of snmpd udp:161

These two have the same effect.
You should only need one of them.

> On the NMS side I edited the snmpd.conf (should i add agentaddress here?).

The config file "snmpd.conf" is not relevant to the NMS.
It is purely concerned with the configuration of the SNMP agent.
   (Hence the name - "snmpd")

> But when I do only for IPV4, snmp works fine. But when I put both or only
> ipv6, then both ipv4 and ipv6 are not working in snmp.
> It says error opening endpoint udp:161 (but when there is no udp6:161 given,
> then this doesnot error)

How exactly are you starting the agent?   What is the full command?
Who are you working as - root or another user?

Is there another agent running?
What does "ps -ef | grep snmp" report before trying to start the agent?


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