On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:39 AM, Robert Story <rst...@freesnmp.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:41:52 +0100 Bart wrote:
> BVA> Do you think there is a realistic chance that these functions were
> BVA> used outside the Net-SNMP project ?
> Hey, we're programmers. We don't deal with reality! ;-)
> Seriously, though, we generally don't remove unused/obsolete functions
> unless
> they were declared static.  My apologies if this has already been
> covered...
> BVA> As an example, although there was a macro in tools.h for computing the
> BVA> difference of two 'struct timeval' entities, and although differences
> BVA> between times are computed in several places, this macro wasn't used
> BVA> anywhere.
> It likely was a sometime.. Personally, I would have updated the code to use
> the macro. Code-reuse, and all that.
> The think to keep in mind is that the net-snmp code is being maintained by
> lots of different people, each with a slightly different area of expertise,
> and over a looong period of time. In an ideal world, we'd all check what
> everyone is doing and maintain some sort sort of consistency.  I often fix
> little things like the macro you mentioned when I run across them.
> Sometimes I
> get chastised for ignore the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule,
> sometimes
> not.

Hello Robert,

Please have a look at r17933. That commit reverted all
backwards-incompatible changes of r17913.

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