On 16 October 2012 08:32, Giuseppe Modugno <g.modu...@elettronika.it> wrote:
> Now I'd like to have an agent that sends a notification for *each*
> parameter: if an alarm occurs, if the user change a setting (even
> through SNMP SET) and so on.
> The only approach I know is to define in the MIB a different
> NOTIFICATION-TYPE for each parameter, so I'll have a MIB composed by two
> main trees: one for the parameters and the second for the related
> notifications. Is this approach good?


Why not simply define a single notification   "somethingChanged"
which takes one payload varbind - the OID of the instance that was updated.

You'd need to define a MIB object for that (with max-access
"accessible-for-notify"),  but that's just two definitions - not a whole tree.

> Can you suggest a better approach? Maybe defining a generic trap related
> to a parameter change? In this case, I can add to this generic
> notification a "service parameter" with an OID value: the OID will be
> the parameter that has changed.


>                                            But how can I add the new value of 
> the
> parameter in a generic way (it could be an integer, an octet string and
> so on).

Remember that you can always append additional varbinds to a
notification payload - over and above those listed in the MIB definitions.
So as well as the
     somethingChangedOID.0 = theOidThatChanged

varbind, the notification could also contain a copy of the incoming SET
varbind. i.e:

     somethingChangedOID.0 = theOidThatChanged
     theOidThatChanged  =  theNewValue

One thing to bear in mind is how you wish to handle multiple values
being updated in a single SET request.  Would that trigger a series
of notifications (one per incoming varbind), or would all the information
be included in the same trap?


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