Il 16/10/2012 09:56, Dave Shield ha scritto:
> Remember that you can always append additional varbinds to a
> notification payload - over and above those listed in the MIB definitions.
> So as well as the
>       somethingChangedOID.0 = theOidThatChanged
> varbind, the notification could also contain a copy of the incoming SET
> varbind. i.e:
>       somethingChangedOID.0 = theOidThatChanged
>       theOidThatChanged  =  theNewValue

In this case, why to use the "service object" somethingChangedOID? The 
OID of the changed instance can be retrieved from the "extra" (not 
specified in the MIB) varbind that contains the value too, so the 
OBJECTS clause for the notification can be empty/absent.

Do I forget something?

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