On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 1:09 PM, Ian Bruene <ianbru...@icei.org> wrote:
> Trawling through the bugtracker I found a number of bugs - some reaching
> back to 2002 - which have either been fixed, or from the explanations in
> the comments need to be listed as WONTFIX. This is obviously not a complete
> list, but it is what I found after maybe half an hour of looking: if I
> found this many in that amount of time then the 650 "open" bug count is
> probably a considerably lower number with a metric ton of detritus mixed
> in. This is not conducive to finding and nailing the real bugs.
> The list:
> #2823 Is fixed.
This was the one that you later mentioned on irc, and the formatting misled
you into thinking that it was fixed but it isn't?
#2513 Appears to be a misunderstanding of the logging system and as such a
I've closed this one.
#414 Has a pseudo-patch associated with it. Looking at the code it does not
> appear that it was ever applied. However the bug involves 32/64-bit issues
> and dates from all the way back in 2003, so it may have been solved in
> other ways. I don't run sunos so I can't tell myself.
Yeah, the code was completely restructured since then, so I've closed it.
#518 was Apple's fault even if it still exists.
Well, we like to figure out portability problems, but, the bug is so old
that it's not worth chasing.
#648 is about a precompiled binary. It appears to be mostly the asker
> wondering if they should compile themselves.
Not the #648 that's at https://sourceforge.net/p/net-snmp/bugs/648/ - but
it's closable for other reasons. Do you know what bug you were trying to
refer to here?
#759 is a duplicate of #414
Closed as such.
#814 "Not a bug."
Closed as such.
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