On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 5:10 PM, Robert Story <rst...@freesnmp.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 4 May 2018 11:40:21 -0400 Bill wrote:
> BF> I apologize for mis-speaking.  I meant, session.localname,
> BF> which is used in _sess_open() as follows:
> BF>
> BF> https://sourceforge.net/p/net-snmp/code/ci/master/tree/
> snmplib/snmp_api.c#l1629
> Ok, thanks for the pointer. So right now the only use of localname
> appears to be from netsnmp_create_v1v2_notification_session().

I hadn't actually looked at where else it had been used - just at the fact
that it appeared in the API and had the desired effect.

I think feature parity is a good thing. How close are you to having
> this patch ready? I'd say create a branch for it and push it to teh
> SF or github repo. Seeing the actual patch will help me form my
> opinion on rc1 (maybe if you're quick), 5.8.1 (seams reasonable,
> but does it change any existing ABI?), or 5.9.

The patch:
A couple of trivial lines in snmp_parse_args, plus an exact replica of the
code from _sess_open in agent_trap.c.
(Both this code and the code in _sess_open could be made simpler by using
the new struct-based transport interface, since that allows specifying a
source address in that API, but
a) it's too close to the release for a change like this;
b) I think that API is why the trap*sink stuff is broken anyway
The only difference between this patch and the one that we've been using
for years is the use of "s" instead of "@" for the argument character,
since that's what the trap*sink parser uses.

The tests:
(T180 and T181 fail. T181 is testing the new functionality in 5.8, so, no
biggie.  T180 tests functionality that worked in 5.7.3.  T182 and T183
pass; this maybe makes the other failures less bad since if a user wants
this behavior they can configure the session using trapsess instead of
(I think the "myip" perl script belongs in support, not in
fulltests/default/; I'll move it before i commit to the master branch.)

The bugfix:
T182 fails without

These tests all need IPv6 versions, too.  And the bug2864 fix needs an IPv6

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