Hello again,

On the topic of getting the agent listening port number while processing a
SNMP equest, discussed in previous emails:

I am working on a proposal for a patch, and have this code already, as a
first possible partial solution to the above wish.

File: snmplib/transports/snmpTCPBaseDomain.c


// The port number of the agent to which the SNMP request was sent.

*static* uint16_t agent_tcp_port_number = 0;

*int* netsnmp_tcpbase_recv(netsnmp_transport *t, *void* *buf, *int* size,

                         *void* **opaque, *int* *olength) // Todo


    *int* rc = -1;

    *if* (t != *NULL* && t->sock >= 0) {

        *while* (rc < 0) {

            rc = recvfrom(t->sock, buf, size, 0, *NULL*, *NULL*);

            *if* (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) {

                DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_tcpbase", "recv fd %d err %d

                            t->sock, errno, strerror(errno)));



            DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_tcpbase", "recv fd %d got %d bytes\n",
t->sock, rc));

            *struct* sockaddr_in sin;

            socklen_t len = *sizeof*(sin);

            *if* (getsockname(t->sock, (*struct* sockaddr *)&sin, &len) == -

                DEBUGMSGTL(("vms", "getsockname error %s\n",

            *else* {

                agent_tcp_port_number = ntohs(sin.sin_port)

                DEBUGMSGTL(("vms", "agent port number %d\n",




This is just a first attempt at getting this to work. The code above logs
the agent's port number, so that is now working.


1. What do you think of this code?
2. What are the ideas to expose this agent_tcp_port_number via the API?
(Possibly I could add a function in the public API, that gets this variable
and exposes it as a call.) Ideas?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,

Teus Benschop
Net-snmp-coders mailing list

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