> From: chi.g...@l-3com.com [mailto:chi.g...@l-3com.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 4:00 PM

> I wrote a agent in net-snmp and use commercial MIB browser (iReasoning
> and MG-soft) to talk to it.
> I try to set values to different OID.  When I use snmpset of net-snmp,
> it works fine, but when I use the MIB browser, the values was wrong.
> 1.      I set an octets string  value “12345”  in OID:
>,  the agent get the correct value
> “12345”.
> 2.      I set another  octets string  value “67” in the same OID, the
> agent did not get “67”, instead it got “67345”.

        You tried both these steps, in order, for both browsers, correct?

        Try pointing that browser at a different string value and changing it 
to something shorter.  Seems to me it isn't managing its buffers correctly.  If 
the different string (make sure it isn't vital!) has similar problems, then 
your browser is at fault.  Otherwise, it's your code - are you perhaps not 
properly terminating the string?



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