Hi Lena

I have heard Beakerbrowser talked about a lot by people involved in the p2p web movement over the last year or so.
I found it really confusing at first...

The web was always p2p and decentralised right?!
But since the grand centralisation of the web by the megga platforms it is good to see work emerging around re-decentralisation of the web.

I wrote a bit about art in this context here <https://decentralizedweb.net/screening-room/>, for the Furtherfield screening room for the recent DWeb Summit, featuring 3 works by Annie Abrahams and Michael Szpakowski.

And then there is this (rather dense but really useful) talk by Dymitri Kleiner -"You can't code away their wealth" <https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/cant-code-away-wealth-dmytri-kleiner-explains-construction-p2p-alternatives-conflictual/2016/05/25?cn-reloaded=1> in which he explains his view on the politics of end-to-end as opposed to client-server communication infrastructures.

Thanks for posting!


On 27/08/18 12:13, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
Meant to write this Lena, when I first saw your post but I was away on vacation .. great to see it.. now *do* post some more! Cheers michael

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On Friday, August 24, 2018, 1:15 pm, Lena Brüggemann <brueggem...@d21-leipzig.de> wrote:

    hi everyone,

    just stumbled upon p2p websites, so no servers would be needed


    Sounds like an interesting idea. Does anyone has experience with it?

    btw. strange feeling to write something after years of only
    following the list...

    Lena Brüggemann
    Artistic director / Künstlerische Leiterin

    D21 Kunstraum Leipzig e.V.
    Demmeringstr. 21
    04177 Leipzig
    www.d21-leipzig.de <http://www.d21-leipzig.de>

    Am 14.08.2018 um 11:38 schrieb helen varley jamieson:


    is there anyone else on this list who has sites hosted at the
    canadian company ultrahosting? i have my sites there because way
    back in 2002 i signed up for a rhizome fundraiser, where they
    partnered with a company called broadspire to provide web hosting
    for artists & rhizome got a small cut from every customer. over
    the years broadspire got bought out or merged a couple of times &
    at some point turning into ultrahosting.

    since last wednesday my sites have vanished from the web - i can
    still see the files via ftp, & email is working, but my sites are
    offline & i can't access the plesk control panel or mysql. i
    raised a support ticket & got the automated reply, but nothing
    further. in the past they have been pretty good at responding
    within a few hours - now it's almost a week.

    i called the company a couple of times on friday & sat on hold for
    ages then left a message. no-one has called back. i've hunted on
    their website for other contact details & emailed sales & careers,
    but no response. the website has no notice of any major problem. i
    followed links to their twitter & fb accounts & found these
    defunct. the blog on their website isn't working & some of the
    contact forms fail. it's all a bit mysterious & suspicious!

    so, while i set about finding a new hosting company (any
    recommendations?) i just wondered if anyone else on this list is
    also with ultrahosting & perhaps having similar problems?

    h : /

    helen varley jamieson

    he...@creative-catalyst.com <mailto:he...@creative-catalyst.com>

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