A Cultural Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency

Join us online on the 12th of April in this global live reading of
letters from humans to the Earth, coinciding with the Global Youth
Strike for Climate and as part of the lead up to Extinction Rebellion’s
International Rebellion.

When: Friday 12 April, 9pm - 11pm CET. Find your local time here

Where: There will be a link to the live stage here
<https://upstage.org.nz/?event=letters-to-the-earth>, shortly before the
performance begins.

We are facing an unprecedented global emergency, the planet is in crisis
and we are in the midst of a mass extinction event. Scientists believe
we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown. Carbon emissions
and temperatures keep rising; ecological collapse has begun. On this
course we are likely to see abrupt and irreversible devastation. The
time for denial is over – we know the truth about climate change. It is
time to act.

Letters to the Earth <https://www.letterstotheearth.com/> is a joint day
of action on Friday 12 April 2019: letters written by people from around
the world will be read out at theatres, arts venues, community spaces
around the UK, and online in UpStage. The pieces will then be made
rights free and available for anyone to download and present anywhere in
the world from 15th – 28th April, coinciding with the International
Extinction Rebellion <https://rebellion.earth/> and School Strike For
Climate. These pieces could be taken up to be presented and performed
globally, when hundreds of thousands of people will be taking to the
streets worldwide to demand that governments tell the truth about
climate collapse and act accordingly.

The readings in UpStage will be performed by Clara Gomes, Miljana Perić,
Katarina Djordjević Urosević, Lyn Cunningham, Suzon Fuks and Helen
Varley Jamieson.

Please remember: UpStage does not work on tablets or smartphones as it
requires Flash to deliver everything to the browser. We are working on a
new platform that doesn’t require Flash, but it takes time and money!
(If you can help us, please donate to UpStage


helen varley jamieson

he...@creative-catalyst.com <mailto:he...@creative-catalyst.com>

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