On 2020-03-23 9:41 a.m., Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour wrote:
> The details from all of you are fascinating and helpful.
> More please :)
Greetings from viral Cascadia.

Vancouver is in two levels of State of Emergency. BC has declared one,
and the city has also declared one. We just need Canada to declare one
to get to level three. We have Canada's most deprived district here, the
Downtown East Side, with US-style tent cities and street sleeping. These
are not people who are able to "stay at home". We also have people who,
whether due to idiot libertarianism, economic or theological delusions
of invulnerability, or just not being online enough, are going ahead
with gatherings of all kinds. These are not people who are willing to
"stay at home". I hope the city gets its act together to help and hinder
these groups respectively.

And I hope that the cultural politics around wearing masks here evaporate.

Seryna and I both work at home anyway so it hasn't been too much of a
transition for us. We've dusted off the Wii to get some exercise
indoors. Rock Band is hilariously mid-2000s.

I recommend joining in with live hangouts/podcasts/zooms/whatever for
"outside" social contact. And just video call people to check in.
Everyone seems to be playing Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch but if
that's not your thing dust off your Second Life account or try to
remember your LambdaMOO password.

I'm continuing to work on projects that started long before the current
moment and have no plans to immediately change this. Art isn't
journalism. But I am enjoying other people's musical reactions to the

If anyone is new to working remotely here's a guide I sent in the last
round of Links that I recommend (I worked remotely for CC for 3 years,
they are very good at it) -


- Rob.

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