Hi all,

While processing the current year's events, I've been reminded of an old (and 
not very good) literature project I did long ago.

This in turn has led to some thoughts about a potential new project.  Maybe 
this is one way I process literature and experience, to ask what is going on 
now, then ask what from the past might be relevant, then ask what future events 
might be the same, different, desirable, possible, etc. in an ongoing cycle of 
comparison, review, and revision.

The hypothetical new project doesn't fit the standard definition of a 
literature project at first glance, but might have subtler relations to some 
aspects of past literature (like say the haiku, koan, riddle, or folk tale).

I don't know at all if I will "do" the project, or want to, or if it even can 
be done, or if it should be done; or, if it should be done, how, and by whom; 
or if it is even possible for there to be a "done" and a "how" and "by whom."  
But the hypothetical literature project I'm thinking of could be named "what is 
genius 2020?"  Its full textual extent could be three questions: "What do you 
think about the concept of genius?  What do you think about the year 2020?  How 
do you think the concept of genius and the year 2020 are related?"

In my life I've found often that asking too many questions, being too 
questioning, can be a false path that leads me to misjudgments and bad 
consequences.  Sometimes being of a simple and non-questioning mind is very 
important for me to retain balance, perspective, and context.  Following group 
conventions, the ebb and flow of human sentiment in which we all move albeit in 
different places and ways, can also be beneficial in its own right.  I 
certainly don't know the answer to these dilemmas.

I suppose that being too "answering" can also be a source of terrible imbalance!

I wonder now if it would be better to ask just one question rather than three:  
"how do you think the concept of genius and the year 2020 are connected?"  
(This seems more concise, but I find the somewhat magical pattern of three more 

Perhaps we are all asking and answering this question in our own way, if not in 
these exact terms, the best we can all the time anyway.  What is going on?  
What does it mean?  How should I be?  Perhaps it is best left as a personal and 
internal question, a mystery in the ancient sense of something to contemplate 
calmly, quietly, and slowly, a question generally unspoken and unanswered but 
no less alive and well for being in that subtle form.

Very best regards,



genius (n.)
late 14c., "tutelary or moral spirit" who guides and governs an individual 
through life, from Latin genius "guardian deity or spirit which watches over 
each person from birth; spirit, incarnation; wit, talent;" also "prophetic 
skill; the male spirit of a gens," originally "generative power" (or "inborn 
nature"), from PIE *gen(e)-yo-, from root *gene- "give birth, beget," with 
derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups. Sense of 
"characteristic disposition" of a person is from 1580s. Meaning "person of 
natural intelligence or talent" and that of "exalted natural mental ability" 
are first recorded 1640s.

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