Discover things reflecting the dynamic culture we are part of in the
fields of art, technology, and social change. Please check it out &
FurtherList is a regular feature sharing exhibitions, events,
conferences, books, articles, interviews, and other interesting things
from our communities, the web and beyond. Collected by the ever
curious Marc Garrett, co-Artistic Director of Furtherfield.

People you will find in the list are: Annie Abrahams, Hilary S Powell,
 Aileen Deirig, Daniel Pinheiro, Michael Szpakowski, Dane Delstyn,
Cassie Thornton, Dorian Batycka, Raman Mundair, Ailie Rutherford, Cade
Diem, Joseph DeLappe,  Ann Pettifor, Kat Braybrooke, Jaya Klara
Brekke, Jeremy Height, Timothy McKeon, Sara Escribano, Nancy Spector,
Leandro Pisano, Hank Willis Thomas, Laurie Penny, Bruno Latour, and

Image: An assemblage from an excellent collection of photographs taken
by Michael Szpakowski.

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