After our virtual participations to *Audioblast #8* (FR), *Network Music
Festival* (UK) and *STWST48x6 MORE LESS* (AT), Utterings
<> will perform during Season II of *We're All
Bats Listening Arts Channel* with a 3-improvisation series: "*New Language*",
"*Above Rationality*" and "*Transmissions*".

[image: utteringsBats.jpg]

Nov. 20 and 27, and Dec 4, 18h30 – 18h55 London time. 19h30 CET.
Nov. 20 “New Language“
Nov. 27 “Above Rationality“
Dec. 04 “Transmissions“
*You are welcome to connect* at the right time to We’re All Bats Listening
Arts Channel <> or listen to us on their FB

*Utterings* is an online sound improvisation ensemble with *Annie Abrahams*
(FR), *Constança Carvalho Homem* (PRT), *Curt Cloninger* (US), *Nerina
Cocchi* (BE), *Daniel Pinheiro* (PRT) and *Derek Piotr* (US).
An experience where six artists commit to a 30 min long exchange across
distance, gathering online and blindfolded, and engage in utterings as
communication, building on solo’s, duo’s, chorals and silence, creating an
on the fly “new” language, a collaborative attempt to go beyond the borders
and closures created by languages themselves.

Take care, enjoy
Annie Abrahams


“*Why is the use of videoconferencing so exhausting? An analysis on the
demands*” Video essai with Daniel Pinheiro
FR ici <>. "Pourquoi
l’utilisation de la visioconférence est-elle si épuisante? Une analyse sur
la demande."
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