Hi Netbehaviorists, Heather & Aymeric - pure:dyners.

This is probably an appropriate time to round things up, especially now
that the pure:dyne team are getting things ready for the FLOSS+Art: Book
preview, panel discussion and software party, which is taking place this
evening. I'm not sure if info regarding this has been sent to the list,
will check.

Thank you Heather & Aymeric, for finding time in your busy schedule to
discuss pure:dyne. Good luck at the event tonight :-)

Also, thank you to the list members who took part in the dialogue, it
helped in contributing to a fascinating and dynamic discussion. A lot of
the issues that came up are likely to be talked about on here for a
while I imagine.

Anyway, my task now is to put all the words into one bundle and place it
on the front of furtherfield for all to observe.

wishing you all well.

NetBehaviour mailing list

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