Hiya Marc & Netbehaviourists,

I may of missed some bits of info about the support of Ada Lovelace Day
project. So if it is not too painful for you to repeat what might have
already been discussed, could I bother you with a couple of questions?

One thing I need to know from you is that, when the furtherfield crew
compile all of the proposals sent in by everyone tomorrow, is whether after
this happens, can subscribers still mail their proposals?

The reason I am asking this is because I still have some that I wish to add,
and a couple of my friends have just recently subscribed and I am not sure
if they will be posting before Friday.

The other thing is - I mailed something to the list yesteday (unrelated to
Ada Lovelace) and for some reason it did not appear. I remember that someone
else had this problem also a couple of days ago. Is there something wrong
with the server at all?

I wanted to say how much I have been enjoying seeing all of the
contributions to Netbehaviour, and I want to thank you and everyone else who
has taken part in doing something as special and important as this. I am
sure this is going to be a great resource for many in the future - it's very
exciting, thanks for making the effort :-)


           ,            __ \/ __
       /\^/`\          /o \{}/ o\         SPRING IS IN THE AIR!
      | \/   |         \   ()   /
      | |    |          `> /\ <`     ,,,
      \ \    /  @@@@    (o/\/\o)    {{{}}                _ _
       '\\//'  @@()@@  _ )    (      ~Y~      @@@@     _{ ' }_
         ||     @@@@ _(_)_    wWWWw .oOOo.   @@()@@   { `.!.` }
         ||     ,/  (_)@(_)   (___) OO()OO    @@@@  _ ',_/Y\_,'
Joan Stark
         ||  ,\ | /)  (_)\      Y   'OOOO',,,(\|/ _(_)_ {_,_}
     |\  ||  |\\|// vVVVv`|/ @@@@    _ \/{{}}}\| (_)@(_)  |
     | | ||  | |;,,,(___) | @@()@@ _(_)_| ~Y~ wWWWw(_)\ (\|  /)
     | | || / / {{}}} Y  \|  @@@@ (_)#(_) \|  (___)   |  \| //
      \ \||/ /\\|~Y~ \|/  | \  \/  /(_) |/ |/   Y  / \|/  |//
  jgs  `\\//`,.\|/|//.|/\\|/\\\|,\|/ //\|/\|.\\\| // \|\\ |/,//

The above image is by the excellent ascii artist Joan Stark.
Joan G. Stark, also known by her pseudonym Spunk or her initials jgs, is a
prolific ASCII artist.
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