Hello Karen,

 >I may of missed some bits of info about the support of Ada Lovelace
 >Day project. So if it is not too painful for you to repeat what might
 >have already been discussed, could I bother you with a couple of

No problem at all :-)

 >One thing I need to know from you is that, when the furtherfield crew
 >compile all of the proposals sent in by everyone tomorrow, is whether
 >after this happens, can subscribers still mail their proposals?

Yes - we are collecting everything that has been posted so, tomorrow; 
and will repost it as a whole/digest to the list. This is so that we can 
get some idea how many contributions have been made all in one place. 
Also, we may ask some to add links or extra information to their own 
suggestions if needed.

Anyone can still send in their Ada Lovelace Day contributions after 
Friday 27th, the last day is Monday 30th. The day after that we will put 
the document on the front of furtherfield for all the world to view...

 >The other thing is - I mailed something to the list yesteday
 >(unrelated to Ada Lovelace) and for some reason it did not appear.
 >I remember that someone else had this problem also a couple of days
 >ago. Is there something wrong with the server at all?

We have had issues on the whole server lately - this is to do with us 
changing various domain nameservers. There has been a few glitches along 
the way, so we have reverted everything back to how it was before for 
now, and will attempt to change things again in the future, sometime.

This means that all posts will be able to access the list again, and as 

 >I wanted to say how much I have been enjoying seeing all of the 
 >to Netbehaviour, and I want to thank you and everyone else who has taken
 >part in doing something as special and important as this. I am sure this
 >is going to be a great resource for many in the future - it's very 
 >thanks for making the effort :-)

Much thanks Karen, I also wish to thank everyone for taking part in the 
project. It means something very positive :-)

Wishing you well - oh I love ascii by the way.

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