Thanks again Bob. As anyone on this list will testify, its always a delight 
when someone looks and thinks carefully about something one has made...
warmest wishes

--- On Tue, 6/7/11, bob catchpole <> wrote:

From: bob catchpole <>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] dream
To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity" 
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 10:40 AM


It's interesting to learn where you were and what you filmed - and how 
irrelevant it is! The music transforms it into an elegy, for me an emotive 
meditation on solitude. The mysterious dark rock at the water's edge appears 
like the image in a dream. The stillness and simplicity of the piece is 


From: Michael Szpakowski <>
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity 
Sent: Mon, 6 June, 2011 23:44:32
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] dream

Thank-you Bob! 
I see what you mean about reversing the editing. I can see that it could work. 
I think it's the way it is because I didn't really have a plan and the order of 
shots is simply the order I shot them in ( although the zoom out is digital). I 
quite like the feel of us homing in on the figure but it being very blurred and 
us not being sure what is going on - for me it suggests general human 
fragility and also calls to mind the equally fragile black and white TV of my 
early childhood -, then *recovering* the wide view as he trudges home.
It was shot on a beach in Madeira a few weeks ago - I was sitting drinking a 
coffee watching the sea and the guy fishing. There's a load of "meaning" 
layered up, by the music & editing, on top of that simple fact.... I called it 
'dream' as a deliberate courting of the paradoxical.. how *could* it be my, or 
his or anyone's dream? and yet, in a way, for is..
Enough! Thanks!
--- On Mon, 6/6/11, bob catchpole <> wrote:

From: bob catchpole <>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] dream
To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity" 
Date: Monday, June 6, 2011, 9:00 PM


It's a beautiful, haunting piece. The dramatic setting and the plaintive music 
communicates movingly the inner emotions of the tiny human figure in the 
frame... solitude, yearning and resilience are all mixed up in there.

Since the piece is essentially two shots have you considered starting with the 
second? Which would mean revealing the full view gradually and then staying 
with it to the end. A different dream?


Michael Szpakowski wrote Sat, 4 June, 2011 17:01:07
Subject: [NetBehaviour] dream

or as QuickTime here:


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