i thought it was a weasel on the back of the woodpecker.

"Shout outs to the sparrows and the pine martens.
Keep it country like line dancing."


'On 04/03/15 08:29, Simon Mclennan wrote:> '
'.. sent the parcels back to their         '
'starving families                         '
'>                                         '
'When I got ancient enough I wrote songs of'
'regret, brittle ditties that used words   '
'like - leaves - yesterday - dreams etc    '
'>                                         '
'When I got real ancient I wrapped my shoul'
'ders and neck and head in a blanket and   '
'stood with Jewish grandmothers in kitchens'
'in the bitter cold while cleaning the     '
'coffee pot,                               '
'knocking the grounds into the sink with my'
'finger while the tap flowed               '
'cold water, flicking the gas on - pfuum,  '
'balance the pot, lift sugar jar, flick    '
'spoon under tap rubbing the old coffee fro'
'm the steel. I'll gaze at the willow      '
'tapping on the window,                    '
'move through corridors,                   '
'whistle ironically and loudly,            '
'clearly tunes from the 70s like Donna by 1'
'0CC, singing the falsetto in a high       '
'falsetto and clapping                     '
'> When I get ancient I'                   '
'll take whippets for walks round streets a'
'nd parks and                              '
'country walks with paths and stiles in sma'
'll fields with isolated trees, sometimes  '
'ash,                                      '
'clapping loudly and whistling at stoats - '
'not stoats on woodpeckers - no - only     '
'stoats like inch worms on the grass       '
'> I'                                      '
'll sing more songs about the tiny spiders '
'that cover the world with silk, only      '
'on autumn Sunday mornings,                '
'the thistle down tinfoil beautiful morning'
's of yor, of                              '
'now, of then,                             '
'of delicate and tender loneliness         '
'>                                         '
'When gangs of bearded teddy boys in anothe'
'r life became gangs of bearded            '
'anarchists in mother Russia in 1889,      '
'when they crawled out of Dalston in 1890, '
'and                                       '
'in 1970 they shot b&                      '
'w film films in Dalston too,              '
'art films that made a point before        '
'there was no point left anymore with these'
'multiplicities and the like in            '
'Australian,                               '
'American and English bulletin boards with '
'marginal artists and sometimes            '
'less marginal players,                    '
'big players with mandolins, armchairs,    '
'houses in seaside                         '
'towns within reach of London,             '
'others in the sticks, near borders,       '
'in universities,                          '
'teaching and lecturing, with horses.      '
'Old prams too. But it's all good. I'      '
'll see                                    '
'horses there,                             '
'silver mares and skew bald geldings in gyp'
'sy fields with dead thorn                 '
'trees, old walls and mattress of flies.   '
'Broken plough,                            '
'hoe and cock pheasant turner              '
'of McCormick make,                        '
'red metal in yards of farms.              '
'And more than this... Simon               '
'>                                         '
'> Sent from my iPhone                     '
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