The Royal College of Physicians have just announced their approval of e-cigarettes. Since the reason smokers smoke is in order to get nicotine, but the thing that makes smoking bad for your health is tar, e-cigarettes evidently reduce the harm caused by smoking by 95%, which means that actually you can probably vape all you like and it's still going to be fairly innocuous compared with other activities like drinking too much or eating lots of cream cakes or cheeseburgers.

Furthermore, for smokers, e-cigarettes seem to represent a far more effective way of giving up tobacco cigarettes than the more traditional willpower + nicotine patches or gum. This is partly because, like cigarettes, they combine the delivery of nicotine with certain other forms of satisfaction - something to fiddle about with, something that gives you a certain 'look', the satisfaction of blowing out smoke (which I used to love when I was a smoker) and oral satisfaction (the 'mother's nipple' effect).

What's more, the Royal College has also concluded that there is no evidence of e-cigarettes leading people towards tobacco cigarettes (the so-called 'gateway effect').

So, is this an example of new technology offering a breakthrough which years of health advice, taxation and public health policy have been unable to deliver? Probably yes, but it's a nuanced yes.

For one thing, even though nicotine by itself is nowhere near as bad for you as nicotine + tar, it's still bad for you, and obviously the effect of e-cigarettes over a period of many years hasn't yet been investigated, because they haven't been around all that long.

For another thing, as far as I know there haven't been any proper environmental costings of e-cigarettes (although you can find some fairly poor-quality ramblings on the subject via Google), but it seems likely that they will be considerably more energy-expensive to manufacture than traditional cigarettes, and considerably more landfill-expensive to dispose of. The nicotine in e-cigarettes is presumably still mostly extracted from plants, especially tobacco, which must be much more energy-costly than just drying it and rolling it up. Fag-butts do tend to end up getting flushed into the water-supply in huge numbers, which is much less likely to happen with e-cigarettes, but other than that the environmental impact of a transition from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes seems likely to be negative.

But that's typical of new technology, isn't it? It gives with one hand, and takes away with the other.

- Edward

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