On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 08:25:46AM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 10:02:16PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> > When running make depend I get this:
> > 
> >   sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
> > 
> > I had installed comp from NetBSD 7.0 installation sets.
> > 
> > What is the remedy for this?
> Anyone listening and willing to help?
> Signs of eroding community size?

I don't think so; I think people have a limited amount of time available
to answer very basic questions or questions that seem to arise from doing
simple tasks in unusual ways, or not reading the documentation.  And I, for
one, will seldom respond to a problem report of any kind which lacks a
full and useful set of details.  The report above is almost useless: what
_exactly_ and fully did you do, under exactly what conditions, and what
exactly and entirely happened?

I can't think of any documented procedure that approximates what you
describe above.  It's certainly not how to build the system; to do that,
you're supposed to use build.sh.  So I can't even tell what software you
were trying to build, never mind what directory you were in when you typed
"make depend" (or was it "mkdep" as in the message subject?) -- was it
NetBSD itself, or something else?  I don't know your path, so I don't
know what compiler or version of make you were using, etc.

I think it's fair to say that everyone here wants to help, but we have
limited time.  Low-quality problem reports take a lot of time to handle,
and eventually people get fatigued or busy and stop responding.  If you
make your problem reports detailed, complete, and precise, I think you are
much more likely to receive helpful responses quickly.


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