Robert Nestor <> writes:

> I wasn’t sure if it was a pkgin issue or something else, but I have
> run into this problem just installing packages using pkgin without
> having pkgsrc installed.  But if the solution is to run “make
> deinstall clean” in devel/boost-headers, doesn’t that require that

That should more or less be like "pkg_delete" or "pkgin rm".

> pkgsrc be installed on the system?  If that’s the case then what is
> causing the problem when it occurs while installing from the pre-build
> binary collections?  Is it an inconsistency in the binary collection?

It might be.  One thing that keeps coming up is that people want to do
builds from inconsistent pkgsrc trees, where they update some of it, and
not others, or do partial binary updates.     Generally, without a full
upgrade of everything, you are on thin ice, but removing packages you
don't need "pkgin ar" reduces the odds of trouble.

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