On Wed, Jan 09, 2019 at 12:03:46PM +0100, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> But I gradually ran more public lists for non techs, including some
> self admitted completely clueless & some other immeasurably lazy
> users, many of whom cant think or refuse to think, love to argue,
> & freak at command line etc, so the support load on unpaid volunteer
> admin time became intolerable, & I was depserate for a list manager
> with graphical clickey support to seperate myself from user support.
> (Though mailman can be CLI driven too I recall)

Thanks for a comprehensive reply. I am currently tending towards mlmmj due
to the claims of smaller footprint as I'll be using a VPS to host this.

Above para in your reply is something that really forewarns me about what
I might almost certainly run into in a year or two ... I'd probably stick
to a techy list for now and leave the rest to the future.


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