On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 09:45:16PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> I am looking to set up a mailing list manager on a NetBSD server.
> The member count is more or less fixed between 300 to 350 and isn't going
> to grow beyond.
> The email archive should be browsable and searchable through a web
> interface. ("searchable" is less critical of the two requirements as even
> google search can be used to search through the archive.)
> I need the email storage to be in text format so as to be able to write
> tools of my own, on the server, to analyze the emails (say to grep
> patterns or even to do NLP).

After going through the nuances of some available solutions, I wonder:

- Do I really need a specialized mail manager software or can I just use
  .forward (or procmail) to bounce the mails to registered members?

- I do not need automated subscribe / unsubscribe, this being for a closed
  group of size not exceeding 300/350. Manual registration, with very
  occasional changes is fine.

- I need "member-only" restriction for posting to the list email id, which
  I think procmail can manage.

- I do need a web archiver with thread view etc. (and ability to write
  text pattern searches of my own on the mail texts), for which there
  might be alternatives that do just that - archiving. (E.g. HyperKitty
  which mailman uses, which can be used standalone also.)

Would appreciate views on whether I am missing something, if I do not use
a proper mailing list software for above requirement.


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