Curious about usability of cgd over network for encrypted cloud storage.

The use case is mentioned in the NetBSD user guide here [1].

- Is such use case feasible with sshfs?

- Will it be conservative on bandwidth, such as minimizing the blocks
  exchanged over network for read/write (particularly with sshfs)?

- Is the filesystem size growable safely as the space requirement goes up?

- One of the drawbacks is, cgd is NetBSD specific, so can't mount on
  Linux. Can I possibly export it (plain text) as NFS from a NetBSD system
  and let Linux mount it?

- Are there alternatives (userspace acceptable). Particularly encfs comes
  pretty close to meeting the requirement. But a bit concerned about
  reported security issues with it[2], supposed to be fixed in 2.0.
  (Current version is 1.9.5.)

- Also read about cryfs[3]. There is a bit old wip/cryfs package. Haven't
  tried. But cryfs seems in its very early stages still 0.10.1 though it
  appears to be an active project. 



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