On NetBSD 8.0_RC1 the man page of httpd says:

     -c cgibin  Enables the CGI/1.1 interface.  The cgibin directory is
                expected to contain the CGI programs to be used.
                bozohttpd looks for URL's in the form of
                /cgi-bin/<scriptname> where <scriptname> is a valid CGI
                program in the cgibin directory.  In other words, all CGI
                URL's must begin with /cgi-bin/.  Note
                that the CGI/1.1 interface is available with ~user
                translation using -E switch.

I am able to get cgi work without ~user, e.g. with -c /var/cgi

But when I want to use ~user/cgi-bin URL, what should be the argument to
"-c" above? (It is clear that -u and -E should be specified, I have those
in my httpd_flags.)

Can someone share example of command line options to enable ~user/cgi-bin?


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