from Jason Mitchell:

> > How do you set up to boot NetBSD using UEFI?

> > I am trying to set up UEFI to boot FreeBSD, NetBSD, and future installation 
> > of Linux, even Haiku if I can cross-compile that.
> > I succeeded booting FreeBSD by UEFI, but NetBSD attempt hung early (8.99.46 
> > amd64).

> Tom   
> Tom,    

> I’m assuming you followed the guide below. It worked for me on 8.0 on amd64 
> and obviously worked for the person who wrote the guide.

> Maybe try 8.1_STABLE?
> HTH,    
> Jason M.
> P.S. FYI, A direct email to you bounced.

I followed the method from that guide  but was not using sysinst.

I see, in /usr/mdec, bootx64.efi and bootia32.efi for NetBSD amd64, and 
bootia32.efi but no bootx64.efi for NetBSD i386.  Those two bootia32.efi files 
are not identical even on NetBSD amd64 and i386 built from the same source 
tree.  I even see the two files differ in size.

I couldn't get the boot prompt to recognize  dev wedge:WD2G18 ; I am using GPT.

Or would I need BTINFO_ROOTDEVICE wedge:WD2G18 ?

I don't know where I would put a boot.cfg file on the EFI system partition.

I received your message through the netbsd-users list but not direct from you, 
don't know how your iPhone mail is set up.


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