On 10 July 2022 11:13:17 (+01:00), Robert Elz wrote:

> Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 11:09:40 +0200
> From: Martin Husemann <mar...@duskware.de>
> Message-ID: <20220710090940.ga16...@mail.duskware.de>
> | Yeah, I noticed that we already have support for vioscsi* at virtio?
> | [which is what the spec draft I linked ended in] and vioif* at virtio?
> | (at least in current), so it can't be this simple.
> It has been there a while, I used to use it via virtualbox a laptop
> or two ago...
> It actually might be simpler than I thought - I was basing my "no support"
> on a grep not finding the product ID anywhere but in the pcidevs file
> (and files built from it).
> But dev/pci/virtio_pci.c does this ...
> /*
> * Non-transitional devices SHOULD have a PCI Revision
> * ID of 1 or higher. Drivers MUST match any PCI
> * Revision ID value.
> */
> PCI_PRODUCT(pa->pa_id)) &&
> (PCI_PRODUCT(pa->pa_id) <=
> /* XXX: TODO */
> PCI_REVISION(pa->pa_class) == 1)
> return 1;
> and all the devices in question should be between 1040 & 107f, so
> the only issue might be if the revision is not 1. Given that the
> comment says that as long as the rev is >=1 is supposed to work
> (there's an earlier test for rev 0 - transitional devices) it
> might be that that is the problem - the devices being configured
> just might be rev > 1. In that case, if nothing in our drivers
> is affected by the rev bump, all that might be needed is to adjust that
> final test (the one with the XXX comment...). "If".
> kre

Without any intention of stealing the topic, talking about vioscsi, I found a small curio today - my disks attached to vioscsi are detected only when my VirtualBox host is configured to use UEFI (and that is the sole difference). In both cases I see the message 'generic HBA error' on vioscsi0 probe, but in the BIOS case the disk is not detected at all. In the UEFI case, it works, although during the installation one sees an endless sequence of
   vioscsi0: autoconfiguration error: error reserving 35 (nsegs 35)
   sd0(vioscsi0:0:0:0): adapter resource shortage

messages, but the installation eventually succeeds (one still needs fixed ip address setup, as dhcpcd is for some reason failing with vioif0, giving me a useless APIPA address, using a bridged networking to a WiFi adapter on a Windos 10 VirtualBox host). The above messages appear only during the installation, though, I can't see them under the newly-booted system (at least yet).

This all under the latest released VirtualBox.

Just saying.


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