On Monday 15 May 2006 15:25, Jiri Benc wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2006 22:57:12 +1000, Mark Wallis wrote:
> > Currently, in our rt2x00 (using the devicescape stack) we are firing off an
> > ACPI event so that the hardware button can be handled in userspace. This
> > allows the user to basically do whatever they want when this button is
> > pressed - including bringing down the wireless interface. The problem here
> > is no distro's currently contain scripts to run from this event so for many
> > users it just "doesn't work" without them manually having to write scripts
> > to handle the ACPI even themselves.
> Distributions will need to accommodate to the way d80211 stack works
> anyway, so I see no problem with this.
> > B. should we be firing an ACPI event and getting the distro's to add scripts
> > so when this event is fired they bring down all the wireless interfaces.
> Voting for this. It brings more flexibility.
> This is not a problem of your card only. Is there a standard ACPI
> rf-kill event?

Not sure actually. the approach rt2x00 takes is sending an event ACPI_TYPE_EVENT
with as argument a 0 or 1 depending on the new state of the button.
But I don't know if there is another event that would be more suitable for a 
hardware button.

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