> The setup is as follows:
> mv88e6321:
> * ports 0+1 connected to fibre-optics transceivers at fixed 100 Mbps
> * port 4 is CPU port
> * custom phy driver (replacement for marvell.ko) only populated with
>   * .config_init to
>     * set fixed speed for ports 0+1 (when in FO mode)
>     * run genphy_config_init() for all other modes (here: CPU port)
>   * .config_aneg=genphy_config_aneg, .read_status=genphy_read_status

Kicking off a side discussion:

Why do a custom PHY driver? What cannot you do with the current DSA
code? I've got boards with two FO ports, and using fixed-phy is all i
need to make them work on a 6352.


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