On 6/5/15, 8:26 AM, Robert Shearman wrote:

It isn't clear to me what the strategy here is for dealing with tunnel encaps that aren't bound to an interface.

Thomas, I presume you would prefer not to force the user to keep track of changes to the output interface and nexthop corresponding to the destination of the outer IP header? And I presume that Eric is opposed to the option of using a virtual interface here, i.e. falling back to the approach I proposed?

In which case, what will the nexthop output interface be set to? Logically, it should have no interface. At the moment, the code assumes that a nexthop will have a valid interface and I don't have a feel for what the impact would be of changing that.

The nexthop interface is the final output interface. Any reason it should not be ?

However, with that resolved I'd be happy to work on a series together. The remaining issue is whether to optimise for small encap that reside in the same memory block as the fib_info, which aren't refcounted but instead are copied around, or larger encaps that reside in their own memory block that are refcounted and only a pointer passed around.
I would prefer the latter (as shown in my incomplete patch) simply because it stays separate from fib_info and allows for extending it in the future.

If the latter, then there really isn't much left in my patch series that can be reused, other than references to the places in the code that need to be changed to support multipath and to make fib_info matching work correctly.


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