On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 10:15:26AM +0200, Emmanuel Fleury wrote:
> Precisely.
> Actually, my exact complain is now that the documentation is not
> making you awared of what you are exactly doing...
> Somehow, this is dangerous and can lead you to have a flaw in your
> firewall without being awared of it.
> Moreover, most of the papers, articles, and web pages about Netfilter
> are wrong about this.

So submit a patch to the documentation.  One of the very first emails to
answer your original post said that a patch to the documentation would
be accepted and probably applied promptly.

The issue is understood.  No point in going on and on and on about how
the documentation is wrong in your opinion.  Spend your time fixing it
instead of bitching about it.


We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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