
Patrick Schaaf wrote:

>>After not receiving a response for two weeks second try:
>Sorry. Here we go:
>>The attached patch adds a new option --terminate to the MARK target 
>>which lets the user choose if MARK should return IPT_CONTINUE
>>(normal behaviour) or NF_ACCEPT (to terminate further rule processing).
>>A CONNMARK patch will follow
>Will you also add this to LOG, ULOG, and any other IPT_CONTINUE target
>that may come up in the future? In my opinion, this is misguided, because
>it leads to much code duplication in target modules.
Hmm probably not :) Although i can't see why someone would like (U)LOG 
to return NF_ACCEPT
you're point is clear ..

>There is already a flexible, but somewhat ugly, way to do what you want:
>create a user defined chain that first MARKs then ACCEPTs (or does whatever
>else one may want to be done after MARK). Obviously, this is a bit ugly
>because you need one such chain per MARK value.
Thats not really what i want to do .. especially since we need lots of 
marking rules, basically everything
allowed needs to be marked with different values.

>The good way to do it, in my opinion, would be to permit more than one
>target per iptables rule. You could then write
>       iptables -A somewhere -m something -j MARK --mark 1 -j ACCEPT
>Note that I do _not_ oppose adding your --terminate option to MARK, as a
>stopgap measure. If that is helpful now, it should be done, IMHO.
>However, I'd like to hear people's opinions on the multitarget approach.
I like that idea very much, although (like Henrik already suggested) i 
favour the idea of something new
between targets and matches for IPT_CONTINUE targets ..


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