Hi I'm new so forgive me if this is a re-hash.  I've dug around deja and
other areas looking for a solid answer and I'm very close to going postal!

I'm network admin for a small MS Sol Prov.  We use MS Proxy Server (read
PoS) 2.0 for our firewall and the developers frequently use Netmeeting with
clients for the collaborative functionality to show them the state of the
application they are working on.  

Proxy has NAT enabled and all outbound traffic flows through one IP address,
similar arrangement at our clients - therefore they are not able to make a
direct connection to either machine to initiate a meeting.  To work around
this, outside the firewall I have a machine set up with netmeeting that I
call "The Negotiator" .  Both internal users and our clients can initiate
meetings to that machine directly and run the meeting. I am not keen on
having netmeeting run 24/7 on that machine because it hosts other
applications - so typically I have whoever is in this office that wants to
start the meeting to go to that outside server, run netmeeting, and enable
accept all calls - then go have their meeting.  This has caused more
headaches over the past year then I care to describe.  

My questions are the following:

What has other users experience been and how have you gotten around this

What Firewalls are known to work with NetMeeting properly?  Ideally (if I
had FW-1 which is cost prohibative) I would enable static NATs between a few
outside IP addresses and the internal netmeeting users and open the net
meeting ports - however PoS 2.0 isn't that flexible.  What Firewalls have
other list users had success with?

I have been toying with Linux and considered using IPChains, however it
looks like that doesn't support H.323.  Does anyone know if there is a means
to get Linux running as a firewall that supports Netmeeting?

Thank you for support - you have probably saved me a few rounds of
ammunition :)  
(Just kidding ... don't have to call the FBI)

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