> On 30 May 2016, at 09:43, Martin Bjorklund <m...@tail-f.com> wrote:
> Ladislav Lhotka <lho...@nic.cz> wrote:
>>> On 27 May 2016, at 19:30, t.petch <ie...@btconnect.com> wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Martin Bjorklund" <m...@tail-f.com>
>>> To: <netmod@ietf.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 3:10 PM
>>>> This comment from the Gen-ART review deserves it's own thread.
>>>> gen-art> - section 9.9
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art>    The leafref type is used to declare a constraint on the
>>> value space
>>>> gen-art>    of a leaf, based on a reference to a set of leaf instances
>>> in the
>>>> gen-art>    data tree.  The "path" substatement (Section 9.9.2)
>>> selects a set of
>>>> gen-art>    leaf instances, and the leafref value space is the set of
>>> values of
>>>> gen-art>    these leaf instances.
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art> The first sentence isn't quite right.  Perhaps:
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art>    The value space of a leaf with leafref type is one of the
>>> values of
>>>> gen-art>    a set of leaf instances in the data tree.  The "path"
>>> substatement
>>>> gen-art>    (Section 9.9.2) selects the set of leaf instances, and the
>>> leafref
>>>> gen-art>    value space is the set of values of these leaf instances.
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art> - section 9.9.3
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art>    If "require-instance" is "true", it means that the
>>> instance being
>>>> gen-art>    referred MUST exist for the data to be valid.  This
>>> constraint is
>>>> gen-art>    enforced according to the rules in Section 8.
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> gen-art>    If "require-instance" is "false", it means that the
>>> instance being
>>>> gen-art>    referred MAY exist in valid data.
>>>> gen-art>
>>>> [...]
>>>> gen-art> Also, I think the second paragraph means that if
>>> require-instance is
>>>> gen-art> false, the referred-to instance need not exist.  But it's not
>>> clear to
>>>> gen-art> me what that would mean -- if there are no instances
>>> referenced by the
>>>> gen-art> XPath expression, then the set of value values of the leafref
>>> would be
>>>> gen-art> empty and the leafref would necessarily be invalid. ...  I
>>> think these
>>>> gen-art> paragraphs need to be expanded in some way.
>>>> mbj> Right; so what we want to say is:
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>   - the value space is the same as the value space of the
>>> referred
>>>> mbj>     leaf
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>   - there is an additional constraint if require-instance is true
>>> that
>>>> mbj>     the referred to leaf instance must exist
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj> How about
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj> OLD:
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>    The leafref type is used to declare a constraint on the value
>>> space
>>>> mbj>    of a leaf, based on a reference to a set of leaf instances in
>>> the
>>>> mbj>    data tree.  The "path" substatement (Section 9.9.2) selects a
>>> set of
>>>> mbj>    leaf instances, and the leafref value space is the set of
>>> values of
>>>> mbj>    these leaf instances.
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>    If the leaf with the leafref type represents configuration
>>> data, and
>>>> mbj>    the "require-instance" property (Section 9.9.3) is "true", the
>>> leaf
>>>> mbj>    it refers to MUST also represent configuration.  Such a leaf
>>> puts a
>>>> mbj>    constraint on valid data.  All such nodes MUST reference
>>> existing
>>>> mbj>    leaf instances or leafs with default values in use (see
>>> Section 7.6.1
>>>> mbj>    and Section 7.7.2) for the data to be valid.  This constraint
>>> is
>>>> mbj>    enforced according to the rules in Section 8.
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj> NEW:
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>    The leafref type is used to declare a constraint on the value
>>> space
>>>> mbj>    of a leaf, based on a reference to a set of leaf instances in
>>> the
>>>> mbj>    data tree.  The "path" substatement (Section 9.9.2) is used to
>>> refer
>>>> mbj>    to another leaf node.  The leafref value space is the value
>>> space of
>>>> mbj>    this leaf node.
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>    If the "require-instance" property is "true", there MUST exist
>>> an
>>>> mbj>    instance, or a leaf with a default value in use (see Section
>>> 7.6.1
>>>> mbj>    and Section 7.7.2), of the leaf being referred to with the
>>> same value
>>>> mbj>    as the leafref value in a valid data tree.
>>>> mbj>
>>>> mbj>    If the leaf with the leafref type represents configuration
>>> data, and
>>>> mbj>    the "require-instance" property (Section 9.9.3) is "true", the
>>> leaf
>>>> mbj>    it refers to MUST also represent configuration.
>>>> Does anyone have comments on this proposal?
>>> yes!
>>> I realise that the discussion is moving on, and corner cases are
>>> appearing, but I think that the NEW paragraph is still a tough read.
>>> I
>>> rearrange the words  - more or less  -and get
>>> NEW
>>> The leafref type is used to declare a constraint on the value space of
>>> a
>>> leaf.
>>> The "path" substatement (Section 9.9.2) which MUST be present
>>> references
>>> another leaf node. The value space of this other leaf node defines a
>>> set
>>> of values, which may be empty (e.g. when the leaf node is not present
>>> in
>>> the data tree).
>>> If the "require-instance" property is "true", then the value of the
>>> leaf
>>> with the leafref type MUST exist in the set of values; the set of
>>> value
>>> includes leafs with have a default value in use (see Section 7.6.1 and
>>> Section 7.7.2)
>> I think this not correct.
> I agree.  Tom, note that the proposal has gone through a couple of
> iterations already.  The latest proposal is in
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/netmod/V3-S4enTYpWM24Ws5DWYpEKIq3I
>> Unlike RFC 6020, the "path" argument is now
>> used for two different purposes:
>> 1. It is evaluated as an XPath expression against an instance document
>> (datastore), which results in a node set. If "require-instance" is
>> true, then at least one node in that node set must have the same value
>> as the leaf with leafref type. This is the original 6020 meaning.
> Maybe.  6020 also says:
>   If the leaf with the leafref type represents configuration data, the
>   leaf it refers to MUST also represent configuration.  Such a leaf
>   puts a constraint on valid data.  All leafref nodes MUST reference
>   existing leaf instances or leafs with default values in use (see
>   Section 7.6.1) for the data to be valid.  This constraint is enforced
>   according to the rules in Section 8.
> which indicates that the intention is that the constraint is *only*
> enforced in "valid data".
> I think that this is a bug in 6020.

Hmm, I agree the second sentence in the original formulation was unclear, but 
I've always thought it meant simply "Such a leaf introduces a semantic 
constraint", and that's also how it is handled in DSDL (see sec. 12.10 in RFC 

Note that the phrase "put/declare a constraint on valid data" is used in other 
places in 6020bis. If the meaning is different from the above, then I am 

> I'm pretty sure that no implementation has implemented this the way it
> is described.  Specifically, I think that implementations that support
> the candidate datastore allows "non-existing" leafrefs in the
> candidate.

Isn't it what sec. 8.3.3 in RFC 6020 prescribes?

   If the datastore is <candidate/>, the constraint enforcement is delayed
   until a <commit> or <validate> operation.


> /martin
>> 2. It also implicitly refers to a leaf node in the schema, and the
>> *type* of this other leaf node determines the type and set of valid
>> values for the leaf with learef type. This is independent of the
>> "require-instance" value and any datastore content. However, any
>> semantic constraints that may apply to the other leaf (such as "must"
>> statements) are not taken into account.
>> Lada
>>> If the leaf with the leafref type represents configuration data, and
>>> the "require-instance" property (Section 9.9.3) is "true", then the
>>> target of the "path" substatement MUST also represent configuration
>>> data.
>>> Tom Petch
>>>> /martin
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>> --
>> Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
>> PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C

Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C

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