
    This may be a bit OBE by the conversation on the list, but see below...

On 7/12/2016 12:17 PM, Andy Bierman wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Lou Berger <
> <>> wrote:
>     Acee,
>         I personally was assuming we'd follow 3, but I'd like to
>     understand
>     the implication of 2 as I'm not sure I really understand what you're
>     thinking here.  Can you elaborate what you're thinking here?
>     Thanks,
>     Lou
>     .....
>     >   3. #2 plus collapse the config (read-write) and  system-state
>     > (read-only) into common containers. No more branching of
>     > <model-name>-config and <model-name>-state at the top level of
>     the model.
>     >.....
> I would really like to understand what problem (3) is supposed to solve.

    The config/state split discussed in the context of opstate, and the
openconfig draft in particular, reflects two different types of separations:

1) configuration vs operational information (e.g., intf parameter vs

2) intended vs applied configuration

My earlier comment about assuming that we're getting rid of -config and
-state (as part f the decision to move to revised datastores) was really
focused on the second.

> Most of the foo-state variables are for monitoring.

I really wasn't commenting on conventions WRT configuration data and
operational parameters relationship/organization -- although I think
having a general convention for these is "a good idea".

> This information is useful even if the server uses proprietary
> configuration mechanisms.
> (e.g., the way the SNMP world has worked for 30 years)
> If you forbid separate monitoring subtrees and force the data to be
> co-located
> with configuration, that means the standard monitoring will not be
> supported
> unless the standard configuration is also supported.  Why is that
> progress?

Again, I was focusing on the intended vs applied aspects here.  I can
see reasons to keep a top level spit for config vs operational state,
but alos don't have a strong personal bias on this.


> Andy

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