On 12/06/2016 10:40 PM, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:

I fear that a dumb client sending a <get/> without a proper filter to
select the data that is relevant for the client will not necessarily
get smarter by defining additional operations.

Sometimes access control can help to control dumb clients that try to
get everything (and then ignore most of the data they receive); simply
make sure that only the information is accessible to a client that is
actually needed by a client. In other words, the filtering logic does
not have to be hard coded in the data model.

One additional solution for consideration is a new top level config=false container with a list e.g. /ethernet-interfaces-state/ethernet-interface/... where the key is leafref to /interfaces-state/interface/name With this solution IMO all requirements mentioned in the discussion so far are satisfied without the need to introduce any RPCs or hard coding filtering logic in the model.



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