Are YD reviews optional for IETF YANG modules? I assumed it was mandatory.

On 2018-10-03, 12:11 PM, "netmod on behalf of tom petch" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    I wonder if anyone else on this list has looked at
    currently in IETF Last Call.
    It provides management for three tunnel types, Lw4o6, MAP-E and MAP-T
    betweeen CPE and Border Relay.  It defines a CPE module, a BR module and
    a module of common definitions.
    It does not provide identities for the three tunnel types; rather, where
    it augments "/if:interfaces/if:interface" it specifies
        when "if:type = 'ianaift:tunnel'";
    which to me says that a MAP-E (e.g.) specific object will get added to
    each and every tunnel of whatever type, which seems excessive.
    Second, it defines four features, softwire-ce:algorithm (i.e.
    MAP-E/MAP-T) and softwire-ce:binding (i.e. Lw4o6) in the CPE module and
    then again softwire-br:algorithm and softwire-br:binding in the BR
    module.  It is unclear to me, from the I-D, whether support is for MAP-T
    and MAP-E; or either MAP-T or MAP-E - I find the I-D ambiguous on that
    point - but I would have expected there to be either two - Lw4o6 and
    MAP-ET - or three - Lw4o6, MAP-E and MAP-T features, not four; and for
    the features to be defined, along with tunnel identities, in the common
    Odd, IMHO.
    Tom Petch
    netmod mailing list

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