Hi Joel, WG,

I published a new draft some days ago covering the specific concerns and 
editorial changes requested during WGLC. This included the addition of an 
extension statement which covered machine parsing of pre-defined tags which was 
mentioned by multiple people, and is the only significant change made. I would 
think we'd have rough consensus (at least) at this point.

I do not agree that we should restrict the usefulness of this work by removing 
the ability of the module author or the vendor/implementer to add tags due to a 
single persons view of how they might use the technology. There's nothing 
gained, and there's obvious loss of functionality.


> On Oct 25, 2018, at 3:05 AM, Joel Jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> wrote:
> This WG LC closed on the 16th. 
> Working group last calls serve a useful forcing function even for drafts that 
> may end up looking unready as a result due to the attention. If I am making a 
> judgement call here based on the feedback received during this period and the 
> prior one.
> I will try and summarize the major concerns that  see expressed with this 
> draft.
> Jurgen had a significant list of comments and edits
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/netmod/qUGyGIxHJKsEXZsG6r3P7R0nirg
> Followed up by Christian
> One detail teased out there and in other comments bears revisting
>             Juergen
>> I do not like this. YANG has extension statements and having to
>> parse stuff out of free text description statements seems to be a
>> movement backwards.
> Christian
> This is used by the human implementer of the module (i.e., they need to write 
> code to implement the module). As such it was not intended for machine 
> parsing.
> Juergon
> I am personally not convinced. The whole reason why we have YANG is
> automation and I believe people will go and write tools to extract
> tags and having to extract them out of free form text looks like a
> step backwards.
> Andy 
> It is more than a step backwards.
> There is an unexplained procedure for declaring the  module-tag conformance,
> in addition to the module-tag mappings.
> Alex
> I have no issue with systems using tags to classify or organize modules, 
> however this seems to me like something that would be specific to the system 
> doing the classifying. It would not be something that needs to be specified 
> in the module itself (except perhaps as freeform description text), and it 
> certainly would not need to involve the NETCONF server. What would a server 
> do with module classification data? (unless it is also implementing some kind 
> of module browsing interface, in which case it might be used to supply the 
> browser with data)
> Wether or not this is intended for or will be parsed by machines remains a 
> significant unresolved concern. The actual mechanics of restricting what goes 
> into them however seems fairly straight forward.
> Absent consensus on the above concern this document cannot probably advance, 
> we do have the opportunity for significant face to face discussion in the 
> near future so using that to arrive at a conclusion would probably allow this 
> work to progress or stop.
> Thanks
> Joel
>> On Oct 2, 2018, at 13:21, joel jaeggli <joe...@bogus.jcom> wrote:
>> This is start of a two week working group last-call for
>> draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-02 a current netmod working group
>> document.
>> You may review at:
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-02
>> Please send email to the list indicating "yes/support" or "no/do not
>> support".  If indicating no, please state your reservations with the
>> document.  If yes, please also feel free to provide comments you'd like
>> to see addressed once the document is a WG document.
>> The prior discussion of my mistaken WG adoption call is here
>> commences here:
>> https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/netmod/current/msg21290.html
>> In particular Andy's concerns expressed in that thread here:
>> https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/netmod/current/msg21348.html
>> are probably important to tease out in considering this for last call.
>> so that we are clear on dates. This last call timing resets and runs
>> from 10/2/18 - 10/16/18
>> Joel
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