I agree that

        leaf datastore {
          type ds:datastore-ref;
          description  "The identity of the datastore for which
            the instance data is documented for config=true data nodes.
            The leaf MAY be absent in which case the running dtastore or
            if thats not writable, the candidate datastore is implied.

            For config=false data nodes always the operational
            data store is implied.";

is pretty confusing. It should be something like this:

        leaf datastore {
          type ds:datastore-ref;
          description  "The identity of the datastore holding
            the instance data. If the instance data is not associated
            with a datastore, then this leaf MUST be absent.";

I am against merging data from different datastores together, which
the last sentence of the original text seems to imply.


On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 11:51:26AM +0700, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:
> Joe Clarke <jcla...@cisco.com> writes:
> > ===
> >
> > Section 6
> >
> > With your datastore leaf, if I pull this off of a running YANG server,
> > serialize it and share it with my customer, why wouldn't I have the
> > actual datastore from which I retrieved it?  What I'm saying is that
> > this element may be missing, but if it is, I don't think you can assume
> > the source datastore for config=true nodes.
> >
> The description of the "datastore" leaf doesn't make much sense to
> me. It says that for configuration data the default is "running" or
> "candidate" if "running" isn't writable. Why should it matter whether
> "running" is writable? It looks like it is assumed that the config data will
> eventually be fed into the indicated datastore, but I don't see any
> reason for such an assumption.
> I can see that "datastore" can be occasionally useful as auxiliary
> metadata but, in my view, this document addresses also instance data
> that is not necessarily bound to any datastore.
> Lada
> -- 
> Ladislav Lhotka
> Head, CZ.NIC Labs
> PGP Key ID: 0xB8F92B08A9F76C67
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