Hello Mahesh, 

I was asked by the group to include in each import statement whether the 
imported module is needed as import-only or as implemented. IMHO netmod/netconf 
group should agree on some standard text for model designers to use. Maybe the 
text proposed below can be used everywhere. The sentence starting with Revision 
yyyy-mm-dd  may not always be needed.



I propose the text  


  import ietf-netconf-acm  {

    prefix nacm;


       "The module ietf-netconf-acm is OPTIONAL to implement.";



  import ietf-yang-library {

    prefix yanglib;

    description "The module ietf-yang-library is REQUIRED to

      be implemented. Revision 2019-01-04 or a

      revision derived from it is REQUIRED.";



Regards Balazs


P.S. In Yang-Next this could be a candidate for a formal substatement instead 
of a description text.



From: Mahesh Jethanandani <mjethanand...@gmail.com> 
Sent: 2019. december 18., szerda 3:20
To: Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net>
Cc: Balázs Lengyel <balazs.leng...@ericsson.com>
Subject: Re: [netconf] New Version Notification for 


Hi Balazs,


Additionally, it would be important to address some of the normative text in 
the module. Specifically, we were looking at the following description 


  import ietf-yang-push    {
    prefix yp;
      "This module requires ietf-yang-push to be implemented for the
        two subscription-capabilities containers.";
  import ietf-yang-library {
    prefix yanglib;
    description "This module requires ietf-yang-library to
      be implemented. Revision 2019-01-04 or a
      revision derived from it is required.";


The requirement in the description statement feels and smells like words one 
would use to signify requirements in a specification. However, you are not 
using any of the words like REQUIRED etc. to describe it. Why is it?


Mahesh Jethanandani

mjethanand...@gmail.com <mailto:mjethanand...@gmail.com> 




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