Dear Qin,

I believe this work repeats failures of the past but since the WG
agreed to entertain this, I will keep my mouth shut. I suggest you do
not spend your energy to convince the that this work is viable since
it is rather unlikely that I will change my mind.

YANG is for me _not_ a suitable policy language, it is at best a
language to carry policies written in a suitable policy language (and
I am not even sure about this). All attempts in the past to reach
agreement on a common usable standard policy language leading up to
interoperable implementations failed. The reasons are manifold but
strong (I think), standards-based interoperability at a generic policy
language abstraction layer is for me a myths.

Please don't take this personal in any way. I just do not believe into
this work but I am happy to be proven wrong.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 08:07:46AM +0000, Qin Wu wrote:
> Hi, Juergen:
> Come back to the key issues for ECA Policy.
> I think Policies need to be readable and hence be expressed at a high level 
> of abstraction and in a suitable _language_.
> But I propose to separate policy expression and intent representation, 
> especially high level service intent representation, translation, mapping 
> which is the hot topic in NMRG.
> High level language we select for policy representation is YANG, expressed by 
> the NMS or controller.
> We can compare YANG vs NETCONF with RMON vs SNMP, RAMON is an extension of 
> SNMP, provides traffic flow data for troubleshooting and the controls 
> necessary to adjust for better performance from a central console.
> I think we set similar goal as ROMON in our draft.
> Unlike other intent translation or mapping, we compile High-level policy 
> expression down into more verbose primitive representations that are closer 
> to an execution abstraction. YANG expression is capable for such a 
> compilation;.
> Primitive representation in the device is script language, typical examples 
> are Python or TCL used in the device
> Of course there is pitfall to start somewhere in the middle of several layers 
> of abstraction and then getting stuck somewhere when compiling things down to 
> _efficient_ instrumentations.
> One of lesson we learn from the past is SUPA is defined and described very 
> abstractly, with its high-level blocks and UMLs, and is very difficult to be 
> written in YANG and harder to be implemented.
> We will avoid such pitfall.
> At the current stage YANG is used for abstraction and representation. YANG is 
> both representative and implementable.
> -Qin (on behalf of authors)
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: netmod [] 代表 Juergen Schoenwaelder
> 发送时间: 2020年12月30日 2:56
> 收件人: Adrian Farrel <>
> 抄送: 'NETMOD Group' <>
> 主题: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-10
> Adrian,
> some key issues when it comes to policy-based management systems:
>  - What is an adequate abstraction level to express policies and intent?
>    This question has no simple answer. I believe policies need to be
>    readable and hence they need to be expressed at a high level of
>    abstraction and in a suitable _language_. High-level policy
>    expression may be compiled down into more verbose primitive
>    representations that are closer to an execution abstraction. A
>    common pitfall is to start somewhere in the middle of several
>    layers of abstraction and then getting stuck with something awkward
>    to put a clean higher layer abstract onto and to compile things
>    down to _efficient_ instrumentations.
>  - Where are policies executed?
>    This can range from a logically centralized policy execution
>    engine, which is part of what people call an orchestrator these
>    days, to fully distributed policy execution models. In reality, you
>    likely want to distribute functions dynamically but this makes
>    solutions technically much more complicated. Given today's scalable
>    computing and networking capabilities, logically centralized
>    solutions are on the rise and have replaced the distributed
>    approaches of the 90s.
>  - When to detect and resolve policy conflicts?
>    Detecting and resolving conflicts in larger collections of policies
>    is non-trivial. This includes problems ranging from micro timescale
>    atomicity issues to larger timescale stability issues (interacting
>    policy control loops). If policy execution is distributed (or the
>    event / information sources are distributed), this ultimately
>    resolves to problems such as taking consistent snapshots or finding
>    ways to work with inconsistent observations of a distributed system
>    that are guaranteed to converge to stable states (self-stabilizing
>    algorithms).
>  - Who is interested in interoperable policy representations / languages?
>    The IETF is about interoperability. What are the business models
>    that push for interoperable policy based management standards? Who
>    benefits from having an interoperable standard and how much effort
>    are organizations willing to invest into engineering a reasonable
>    solution addressing the other (non-trivial) questions raised above?
>    Will they be implementing the solution in their products?
> My position is that there are way too many difficult technical issues to 
> resolve for this work to be viable for the IETF. Instead, I suggest that 
> people go and work out solutions and once the silver bullet has been found, 
> bring it to the IETF. (Historically, all attempts to cast policies into 
> existing data models such as MIB modules or LDAP schema led to something 
> awkward and unusable. I believe YANG modules are no
> different.)
> /js
> Some relevant RFCs (there may be more):
> 3052 Service Management Architectures Issues and Review. M. Eder, S. Nag.
>      January 2001. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) (DOI:
>      10.17487/RFC3052)
> 3084 COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning (COPS-PR). K. Chan, J. Seligson,
>      D. Durham, S. Gai, K. McCloghrie, S. Herzog, F. Reichmeyer, R.
>      Yavatkar, A. Smith. March 2001. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status:
>      HISTORIC) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3084)
> 3159 Structure of Policy Provisioning Information (SPPI). K. McCloghrie,
>      M. Fine, J. Seligson, K. Chan, S. Hahn, R. Sahita, A. Smith, F.
>      Reichmeyer. August 2001. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: HISTORIC)
>      (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3159)
> 3318 Framework Policy Information Base. R. Sahita, Ed., S. Hahn, K. Chan,
>      K. McCloghrie. March 2003. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: HISTORIC)
>      (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3318)
> 3460 Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions. B. Moore, Ed..
>      January 2003. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Updates RFC3060) (Status:
>      PROPOSED STANDARD) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3460)
> 3644 Policy Quality of Service (QoS) Information Model. Y. Snir, Y.
>      Ramberg, J. Strassner, R. Cohen, B. Moore. November 2003. (Format:
>      TXT, HTML) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3644)
> 3198 Terminology for Policy-Based Management. A. Westerinen, J.
>      Schnizlein, J. Strassner, M. Scherling, B. Quinn, S. Herzog, A.
>      Huynh, M. Carlson, J. Perry, S. Waldbusser. November 2001. (Format:
>      TXT, HTML) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC3198)
> 4011 Policy Based Management MIB. S. Waldbusser, J. Saperia, T. Hongal.
>      March 2005. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) (DOI:
>      10.17487/RFC4011)
> 4104 Policy Core Extension Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Schema
>      (PCELS). M. Pana, Ed., A. Reyes, A. Barba, D. Moron, M. Brunner.
>      June 2005. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Updates RFC3703) (Status: PROPOSED
>      STANDARD) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC4104)
> 8328 Policy-Based Management Framework for the Simplified Use of Policy
>      Abstractions (SUPA). W. Liu, C. Xie, J. Strassner, G. Karagiannis,
>      M. Klyus, J. Bi, Y. Cheng, D. Zhang. March 2018. (Format: TXT, HTML)
>      (Status: INFORMATIONAL) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC8328)
> WGs/RGs that at least partially related to policy-based management:
> - Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions WG (supa) (2015 - 2017)
> - Policy Framework WG (policy) (1998 - 2004)
> - Resource Allocation Protocol WG (rap) (1997 - 2005)
> - Distributed Management WG (disman) (1996 - 2006)
> - Services Management RG (smrg) (2019? - 2001?)
> - Network Management RG (nmrg)
>   - draft-clemm-nmrg-dist-intent (2017-2019)
>   - draft-irtf-nmrg-ibn-concepts-definitions-02.txt (2019-2020)
> Other resources:
> -
> -
> - Boutaba, R. and I. Aib, "Policy-Based Management: A
>   Historical Perspective". Journal of Network and Systems
>   Management (JNSM), Springer, Vol. 15 (4), December 2007.
> - Pavlou, G., "On the Evolution of Management Approaches, Frameworks
>   and Protocols: A Historical Perspective". Journal of Network and
>   Systems Management (JNSM), Springer, Vol. 15 (4), December 2007.
> - Strassner, J., "Policy-Based Network Management: Solutions for the
>   Next Generation", Morgan Kaufmann, December 2003.
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 04:26:12PM -0000, Adrian Farrel wrote:
> > Hi Juergen,
> > 
> > What you say about learning lessons from the past is wise and valuable.
> > 
> > Sadly (well, it's a good thing, really) we have new people in the IETF 
> > and the memory of events over the last 20 years are not immediately 
> > accessible to them. Others, who are old and grey, have been around 
> > that long but were not necessarily involved in previous ECA discussions.
> > 
> > Since "intent-based networking" is a big thing once again (see recent 
> > reports of acquisitions in this sector) the excitement about ECA may 
> > be forgiven, but it would help to ground the discussions if those who 
> > can remember previous efforts would share their experiences or at 
> > least some pointers.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Adrian
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: netmod <> On Behalf Of Juergen 
> > Schoenwaelder
> > Sent: 23 December 2020 18:09
> > To: Andy Bierman <>
> > Cc: NetMod WG Chairs <>; NETMOD Group 
> > <>
> > Subject: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-10
> > 
> > On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 07:05:44AM -0800, Andy Bierman wrote:
> > > On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 3:14 AM tom petch <> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > From: netmod <> on behalf of Dhruv Dhody < 
> > > >>
> > > > Sent: 21 December 2020 17:12
> > > >
> > > > Hi Lou, WG,
> > > >
> > > > I find the motivation in the Introduction to be focused on ECA at 
> > > > the network devices (with all the talk about issues with 
> > > > Centralized network management).
> > > >
> > > > I see the value of ECA on the controller as well, say a customer 
> > > > network controller or an orchestrator can set the ECA on a central 
> > > > controller (reference ACTN in TEAS WG). Perhaps you would consider 
> > > > adding a sentence to describe this as well. The client-server 
> > > > terminology in the rest of the document covers it already.
> > > >
> > > > And I do see value in this and support adoption.
> > > >
> > > > <tp>
> > > > My take is that the I-D is unclear on what ECA is.
> > > >
> > > > ECA has been worked on in at least two IETF WG AFAICT.  It cropped 
> > > > up in I2RS but as I recall, it was along the lines of 'This is 
> > > > ECA'  'No It is not'  'Yes it is' which gave me the impression 
> > > > that ECA is not a well-defined, or well-understood, term.
> > > >
> > > > More recently, I2NSF have produced a YANG capability-data-model 
> > > > which is
> > > > 55 pages of ECA.  Lacking a definition in this netmod I-D, I am 
> > > > unclear what the relationship is between the I2NSF I-D and the 
> > > > netmod I-D,
> > whether
> > > > or not they are using ECA in the same sense.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > Hi Tom,
> > > 
> > > It usually helps to agree on the problem-space before focusing on 
> > > the solution-space.
> > > ECA seems like a methodology (ala MVC) more than anything else.
> > > The problem statement seems to be that some client tasks need to be
> > handled
> > > on the
> > > server using ECA methodology, instead of on the client.
> > > Which tasks? Seems to be any task of arbitrary purpose or complexity.
> > > And now the scope is supposed to include controllers (just another
> > client),
> > > so the problem-stmt
> > > is even less clear.
> > > 
> > > The traditional approach is to pick specific client tasks to move to 
> > > the server.
> > > The example of detecting and reporting route-flaps has been used.
> > > (No ECA example of this complexity has been provided yet).
> > > The traditional approach would be to write a route-flap-detection 
> > > YANG module with some configuration, monitoring data, and 
> > > notification events.
> > > 
> > > The generalized approach is likely to be extremely complex to 
> > > standardize and implement.
> > >
> > 
> > ECA work has a long 20+ year tradition in the IETF and several 
> > specifications have been published over the years by various working 
> > groups. As far as I can tell, none of them got traction in terms of 
> > signifiant deployment of interoperable implementations.
> > 
> > I would have hoped that the next iteration of ECA work would have 
> > started with a deep reflection about why all the previous attempts 
> > failed to gain traction and some genuine insights how to design things 
> > differently in order to improve the likelihood to have impact.
> > 
> > /js
> > 
> > -- 
> > Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> > Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> > Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <>
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > netmod mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <>
> _______________________________________________
> netmod mailing list

Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <>

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