On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 11:52:10AM +0000, Qin Wu wrote:
> >I have not read the document in detail yet but I find the notion of data 
> >objects and subobjects confusing. I also do not know what "massive" data 
> >object collections are or why both objects and subobjects can be modeled as 
> >YANG data nodes, or what the 
> >purpose of this statement is. 
> [Qin Wu] massive data collection might consume large amount of network 
> bandwidth resource and computation resource. the data node tag help us 
> capture characteristics data (e.g., KPI data) and greatly reduce the data to 
> exported to the collectors.
> Take example-module-A as an example:
>    module example-module-A {
>      //...
>      container top {
>        list X {
>          leaf foo {
>          }
>          leaf bar {
>          }
>        }
>      }
>      // ...
>    }
> The top level node will be seen as data object while leaf foo and leaf bar 
> will be seen as subobject, the top level node will be tagged with Object tag, 
> the child node will be tagged with other tag such as metric tag or metric 
> type tags.
> Note that the notion of data objects and subobjects is only used in the usage 
> example in section 3. Do you think it is confusing to introduce new 
> terminologies, if yes, I will see how to fix this.

I strongly disagree with introducing new terminology. The notion of a
data object or a subobject does not exist in YANG. All the YANG model
does is to associate tags with yang-node-identifiers. That's it and I
think the document should restrict itself to explain that.

My comment was actually more about words like "massive" being a purely
subjective term. Marketing people may use them but in technical
writing or even scientific writing, they have no real meaning. If you
are worried about scalability (and I would), then the question to ask
may be whether a single flat list is scalable to large numbers of
tags, i.e., how many queries do I need to find all relevant tags and
how do the queries scale.
> >When I look at ietf-data-object-tags (likely also a misnomer), then what I 
> >see is a list associating tags to anything identifiable by a 
> >nacm:node-instance-identifier. It feels like this document has a lot of hot 
> >air around something that is at the end rather basic.
> [Qin Wu] Please note that RFC9196 also defines node-selector as 
> node-instance-identifier. See the definition of node-instance-identifier in 
> RFC8341
> "
>      typedef node-instance-identifier {
>        type yang:xpath1.0;
>        description
>          "Path expression used to represent a special
>           data node, action, or notification instance-identifier
>           string.
>           A node-instance-identifier value is an
>           unrestricted YANG instance-identifier expression.
>           All the same rules as an instance-identifier apply,
>           except that ***predicates**** for keys are optional.
>           If a key
>           predicate is missing, then the node-instance-identifier
>           represents all possible server instances for that key. "
> It can represent one specific node instance,e.g.,
>      /* instance-identifier for a list entry */
>      /ex:system/ex:user[ex:name='fred']
> or all possible node instance if the predicates is not specified, e.g.,
>      /* instance-identifier for all list entry/
>         /ex:system/ex:user
> For the latter case, it can also be seen as at node level or schema node 
> level if my understanding is correct.

I can't tell right now whether RFC 9196 makes proper use of
nacm:node-instance-identifier. Anyway, this is important material
to explain, not the data objects massive kind of marketing text.


Jürgen Schönwälder              Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <https://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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