On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Vadim Kochan <vadi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:32 AM, Shaked, Asaf <asaf.sha...@verint.com> wrote:
>> Cool... good to see we're on the same page... thanks for the prompt response 
>> :)
>> Asaf.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Vadim Kochan [mailto:vadi...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: יום ג 22 נובמבר 2016 02:00
>> To: Shaked, Asaf
>> Cc: netsniff-ng@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [netsniff-ng] Few Questions I could not find answer for :)
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 03:37:48PM +0000, Shaked, Asaf wrote:
>> Hi Asaf,
>>> Hi,
>>> Just love this toolkit :)
>>> Few questions, if you may...
>>> 1)      Is it possible to merge pcaps using the toolkit ?
>> As fas as I know - no, but I think it would be good to have such feature via 
>> such example:
>>     netsniff-ng -i {in_dir} -o {merged_file}.pcap
>>> 2)      Is it possible to replay a list of pcaps consecutively ?
>> As I know, it is posible only to redirect packets from one device to 
>> another, but I really thing that it might be added to trafgen.
>>> 3)      Is it possible to control pcaps replay bitrate ? (aiming for 
>>> original capture average Bitrate, rather than "as fast as possible")
>> So if option #2 will be implemented then I think it wold be easy have it in 
>> trafgen as there ia already rate limit option.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Asaf.
>> Regards,
>> Vadim Kochan
> Hi Asaf,
> I tried to extend trafgen with ability to send packets from pcap file,
> and you can try it if you able to fetch & build trafgen from:
>     https://github.com/vkochan/netsniff-ng/tree/trafgen_pcap_send
> By default original timestamps are considered when sending traffic
> from pcap, but you
> can reset sending rate via -b/-t options:
>     sudo trafgen/trafgen -i /tmp/test.pcap -o lo
>     sudo trafgen/trafgen -i /tmp/test.pcap -o lo -b 1pps
> After this change will be applied I think I can try to add option to
> netsniff-ng tool to merging pcap files.
> Regards,
> Vadim Kochan


I just realized that netsniff-ng already has pcap -> device sending
ability, but at max rate.
But I am stil think that it is good to have it in trafgen. Lets see if
Tobias/Daniel will agree or not on it ...

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