On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:16:10 +0200, Paul Sprangers wibbled on for an age:

> David Pitt <pit...@pittdj.co.uk> wrote:
> > The flaw in this is that none of the current NetSurf developers are RISC
> > OS programmers, they may not even be RISC OS users.
> That really surprises me. I always thought that John-Mark c.s. were genuine
> RISC OS users.

Whether that's true or not, they have work to do elsewhere on NetSurf
and may not even have the required knowledge of RISC OS to do anything
with the frontend code.

John-Mark for example has spent a considerable amount of time recently
completely rewriting the CSS parser etc.

At the moment what we need is somebody who does know WIMP and can
devote time to the frontend.  Because functionality is being moved
to the core, most of what needs doing is deleting and replacing
existing code with function calls to the core.  The treeview stuff in
the frontend will need a rewrite (but, again, will end up much simpler
than it is currently)


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