On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 00:31:15 GMT
Bryan Hogan <nets...@helpful.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> > NetSurf 2.5 is likely to be the last release for RISC OS.  
> :-(
> I take it none of those who were looking at taking on the RISC OS 
> frontend were able to commit the necessary time to it?

Indeed.  There is a shortage of people who have the expertise, time
and the will.  People with one or two of these attributes but not all
are plentiful.

> > The source code for the RISC OS front end will continue to be
> > available in the normal place  
> So there's still hope!

Absolutely.  Just because we're dropping it now doesn't mean we'll
refuse it later.  Although the longer it is left, the more work will be


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