The following bytes were arranged on 7 Mar 2013 by Tim Hill :

> Or, scroll the URL from one end to the other. And back.
> But I want to see the whole thing at the pointer. A tooltip which pops up
> when you hover over a link for more than a couple of moments would cut
> down on eyestrain. i.e. It would avoid having to flick one's eyes to the
> very bottom left of the (wide)screen to read the link one is pointing at
> top right.

While I too find the long URL thing annoying, I would just like to put
in a good word for one particular merit of NetSurf's system of
displaying things on the status bar.  You don't really appreciate it
until you use other browsers, at which point its absence becomes
intensely, and continuously, irritating.

By not using tooltips as a substitute for the status bar, URL previews
and title tags are *instant*.  You don't have to wait one second and be
careful not to move the mouse, which gets tedious fast when there are a
lot of links/titles you want to read.

I'd like to see tooltips used in addition to, not replacing, the status
bar.  The bar has faults, but it also has substantial advantages, which
can't easily be combined with a 'fix' for the length problem.  For short
URLs and titles, it's easily the best system.

(PS: Another NetSurf feature which I can't believe no other browser
seems to implement is links opened in new windows inheriting the history
of the previous window.  As a heavy user of 'open in new tab', I keep
getting caught out by the back button not functioning when I want it

  __<^>__   "Start off every day with a smile and get it over with."
 / _   _ \  - W.C. Fields
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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