On 2 Jun 2014  David Pitt <pit...@pittdj.co.uk> wrote:

> Harriet Bazley, on 2 Jun, wrote:

>> Of recent weeks I've increasingly found that Google searches are not
>> rendering in Netsurf, especially when you try to view a second or
>> subsequent page of search results: the window just hangs there with the
>> progress indicator moving instead of the usual almost instant return.
>> Clicking on the same link again to force another fetch seems to be the
>> only way to get the results.
>> Is anyone else seeing this, or is it my ISP?
>> (Netsurf v1932, JS disabled)
> A quick test did reproduce this, v1920, Java Script not disabled, adverts
> hidden. Plusnet.

Has anyone reported this to he bug site? If nobody else does I'll do 
it later today.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc W) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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