
Using Netsurf v1940, seems to be ok here (Raspberry Pi RISC OS 5.21)
Maybe a temporary glitch with Google, or perhaps something fixed in NS 
between 1932 and 1940?


In message <7f015b1154.harr...@blueyonder.co.uk>
          Harriet Bazley <li...@orange.wingsandbeaks.org.uk> wrote:

> Of recent weeks I've increasingly found that Google searches are not
> rendering in Netsurf, especially when you try to view a second or
> subsequent page of search results: the window just hangs there with the
> progress indicator moving instead of the usual almost instant return.
> Clicking on the same link again to force another fetch seems to be the
> only way to get the results.

> Is anyone else seeing this, or is it my ISP?

> (Netsurf v1932, JS disabled)


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